Category: Reality Check

escaping the rat race

Escaping The Rat Race: Is It For You?

Everybody has their own reasons for going to their 9-5. Some people do it to support their family, other people do it to.. support their family.. And sometimes, people go to support.. their family. Most of us actually go to…

How High School Graduates Handle Failure

After you walk that stage at your graduation ceremony, everything changes. You’re considered an adult now, you don’t have to go to high school every day. You’re one massive step closer to needing to fend for yourself. Every decision has…

Types of Entrepreneur

Types Of Entrepreneurship: Where Do You Fit In?

You want to be independent/self employed, but what type of entrepreneur do you want to be? Your personality and skill-set will play into where you fit in.   Questions to consider What types of entrepreneurship interest you? Are you willing…

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