Hey, if you’ve clicked on this article, you’re already doing well! Looking up “How To Be An Introvert Entrepreneur”, or just clicking on the article to read, you’re already starting to look for answers. Congratulations! Don’t worry, I’m not going…
Category: 18 & Below
We all have some lessons to learn, no matter where we are in life. It doesn’t matter if you’re 9 or 90, there’s always more to learn. For us younger folk, though, we don’t just have to learn new things,…
Unfortunately, most of the world still believes that there are two options after high school, University or joining the Workforce. That’s just not true, it never has been, and almost assuredly never will be. When you ask someone what to…
In the teenage years, lots of things start to happen. In the beginning, it starts with guys and girls changing. Girls get pretty, and guys start to notice the girls getting pretty. Later in the teenage years, you get your…
Some people are born and raised into surroundings that are entrepreneurial, but can entrepreneurs be made, or are they only born that way? Entrepreneurs are created. While we all have a different DNA makeup, this isn’t how it happens….
Click here if you want to read my story up to this point! The Car That Outran My Story! This latest car came just as school was ending. The only time she ever saw the school lot…
A–B–S. A always, B be, S selling, always be selling, *always*… be selling. Botched “Glengarry Glen Ross” quotes aside, this isn’t just a salesman’s motto. It’s an observation I’ve made recently, about you, about me, about everybody. We’re all selling,…
Having massive success on Craigslist isn’t nearly as hard as you think. With a little effort, and making clear goals, you’re sure to achieve them with my help! While Craigslist sometimes gets dubbed the “C” word, a taboo to be…
Having been in school myself until just recently, I know the struggles of needing money. It’s especially hard to make it while in school, with the time constraints. How to balance school and entrepreneurship, when having homework from classes, extra…
As adults, people yearn to make more money however they can. Whether it be from getting a raise or promotion at their own job, or trying to do something on the side for some extra dough, the struggle has always…