Some people are born and raised into surroundings that are entrepreneurial, but can entrepreneurs be made, or are they only born that way?
Entrepreneurs are created. While we all have a different DNA makeup, this isn’t how it happens. Entrepreneurs are made through the desire to do so. Becoming a “successful” entrepreneur also takes hard work and persistence.
The reality is that some people are born and raised into surroundings that are entrepreneurial and some aren’t. I wasn’t, but I put myself around entrepreneurs through books and eventually via the internet and in person.
DNA Your Way To Success!
Can entrepreneurs be made by the right two people combining DNA? Not without continued coaching from them throughout their new child’s development. Again, finding success as an entrepreneur happens because of being enveloped in an entrepreneurial supportive environment.
They may have been placed into that environment or they may have seeked it out themselves.
Have you ever heard the saying:
“You are the average of the 5 people you hang around most”
Well it’s absolutely true, so take a look at your friends. Are they, where you want to be in life? I didn’t think so. That means you’ll need to change your “5”. You won’t have to abandon your old friends, just start spending more time with people who have, and are doing what you want in life.
The reason you ended up with your current friends was because you had something in common. But guess what. Things change and so do people. Just because some of your friends don’t want more out of life, doesn’t mean you should settle.
They’re still good people, but they can’t help or guide you any further than you are right now. You need people around you who can show you the path, because they’ve been there. Some of your 5 may be on your same path and at your same level. You can include them because they’re moving forward with you, and it feels great to not be alone on your path.
It’s A Matter Of Nature Versus Nurture
As an entrepreneur myself, it bothers me that people would suggest that a successful entrepreneur was “Just Born That Way”. What I hear in that statement, is someone who’s making an excuse for why they’re not doing more in life themselves. I also hear someone that can’t be in my “5”.
Discounting someone’s efforts to become successful, is nothing more than a sad excuse for their own failures and their unwillingness to put forth the same effort themselves. There’s just no substitute for hard work, determination, focus, desire, willingness to fail, learning, etc.
So Can An Entrepreneur Be Made?
Yes! In the end they have to want to be made an entrepreneur. Why? Because long-term, they’ll need to continue growing, learning, problem solving, etc. And at some point, there’ll be nobody making them do this, other than themselves. It requires “desire”.
I will say this though, “God bless any parent who guides their children down this path”. It’s certain that they’ll not be exposed to this via the school system.
It’s sad, but there are many brilliant people that just work for a wage (paid by an entrepreneur), but never took their knowledge and expertise into their own business. They were conditioned by the school system to provide that knowledge and expertise to an employer (an entrepreneur who profits from their employee’s efforts).
The school system conditions people to seek the safety of an employer. First off, you’re not necessarily safe with an employer. An employee places their future well being in the hands of their employer/owner (owner = the person who paid and owns your time and efforts). The employee is banking on the employer being able to continue running the business well enough for them to keep receiving a check.
It’s quite often, that the employer fails, and I promise you, you’re NOT the top priority in the owners business. An employee is a tool for the employer and when the employee doesn’t make a profit for the company, they are dismissed. It doesn’t matter who causes the situation, the employee is expendable.
Are All Entrepreneurs Equal?
Of course not. There are many factors that can separate their qualities. Think about a young child being sent to piano lessons. That kid can follow instructions at different levels depending on their interest. There may also be physical limitations, but as you know, if the desire is there, almost anything can be accomplished.
I am super inspired when I see someone with a seemingly insurmountable handicap, that does things that I can’t do.
“If the heart desires, the mind will overcome”
So, it’s clear that just because a child can learn something, doesn’t mean they will become great. They have to desire to become great. Entrepreneurship is the same way.
It’s also likely with the same efforts put into something, two different people will get different results. We are individuals after all. This is normal, but usually the one that wants it the most, does the best.
- Someone can write a blog website and make $1,000,000 per year from their work.
- Someone else can write a blog website and make $150,000 per year from their work.
Two vastly different outcomes. However neither of them should be sad. There could be a difference in effort, subject matter, monetization model or how long they’ve been creating content. One individual may have just gotten more efficient at building than the other, even after the same effort.
What Is An Entrepreneur Anyway?
An entrepreneur is someone who takes there skills and knowledge and puts them into action in a business model. There are MANY different levels to this, but that’s the simple description. An entrepreneur can be a small ice cream shop with only one location, or it can be Baskin Robbins with over 7500 location around the world. Usually the size and success of the entrepreneur is due to the level of desire and passion for the business.
Only you can decide how far you go, but one thing is for sure,
“We won’t find success in our excuses”.
- Entrepreneurs can be made.
- Some will succeed.
- Others can fail.
- Entrepreneurs can be famous.
- They can also be anonymous.
We as entrepreneurs make those decisions, because we decided to take on some risk (risk is only based on our willingness to continue testing, researching, and learning) in order to have unlimited potential. You can succeed just as others have.
Take a step out of your comfortable “5”, and get yourself around a higher level 5 than yourself.