The focus should always be in providing great content to the reader. When and why we use affiliate links, is also done with the reader in mind. When we post a link to a product or service, it’s only…
Author: Lyle
The employer purchases specific blocks of the employee’s time. This makes the employer the new owner of the employee’s blocks of time. The employee’s time can only be supplied by that employee. Therefore the employer is the owner of…
Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee, should you be giving your kids an allowance? My answer is no, and I’ll explain why. Ask yourself a few questions. These may help you see what you are training them to…
There’s a big difference between money and currency, yet the terms a widely interchanged. Do you know what you are spending or saving? Written in our early Constitution in Article I, section 10 reads “No state shall coin money,…
Many of the employed population, actually want to know where to start to become and entrepreneur. Today, there are many choices to make that happen. If you really want to know where to start to become and entrepreneur, the…
Making a profit with Kindle Publishing may not make you rich, but with the flexibility of writing on your own schedule, the profits can be fantastic. Kindle Publishing is a great way for you to begin as an entrepreneur,…
Knowing the difference between good debt vs bad debt, could make you rich. Good debt makes you money. Bad debt costs you money. Dave Ramsey would have you think that ALL debt is bad debt. Well, that’s because Dave…
The difference between assets vs liabilities is, “an asset makes you money, and liability takes money away from you”. This is one of the main reasons for the enormous gap between the rich and the poor. The rich fully…
Entrepreneur vs Employee: One provides endless opportunity and the other has it’s limits to opportunity. Who you are determines which direction to go. Both entrepreneurs and employees have their advantages and disadvantages. You may like the advantages that entrepreneurship…