Most people would appreciate having a side hustle. We’re going to look at 10 quick ways to make money from home and see which is the best choice.
Google gets about 250,000,000 (that is 250 MILLION!) searches per year looking for the very same thing as you. Most people need to find a supplemental way of making money to make ends meet, or even to just pay the bills.
If you haven’t found a good way to make money from home yet that actually makes a difference, continue reading. Look at these 10 options, and you’ll find at least one way to make money from home that you’ll enjoy doing.
10 Quick Ways To Make Money From Home
Everyone’s situation is different, so whether you’re a struggling college student, or someone who is even deeper in debt, these ideas just may be the quick fix you need. I don’t want to mislead you into thinking all these suggestions are the answer to your financial independence (some might be though), but some just may resolve your short term struggles.
#1 Freelance Writing
I’m sure most of you considered skipping this one, lol. That would be a mistake. This is one of the ways that you can earn multiple 6 figures per year.
I know, I know. You don’t know the first thing about writing, or you aren’t an expert on any subject, or how about “I did terrible in school”. Well, let me tell ya, I never thought I’d be a writer of any kind. I’m mechanically inclined, athletic, and an investor/entrepreneur.
I don’t fit the writer mold, but in today’s information hungry world, you don’t have to be that great. Just good enough that the reader can get the message you’re trying to convey and see that you are sincere. Besides, spellchecker does a good enough job to make anyone’s writing understandable.
The other thing is, you don’t need to be an expert. Many times it’s better to NOT be an expert. Sounds weird, but it’s true. Sometimes it can be a matter of doing research, and assembling quality information into one location. With the whole world as your potential audience, you certainly know more about a given subject than millions of other people. You can add value to millions of people!
As Far As Money?
Experienced writers can make $1,000.00 or more per article. Like I said, there are many freelance writers that make really nice livings doing this from the comfort of their home. I don’t write for others, but I occasionally hire freelance writers for certain articles.
Holly Johnson is one of those freelance writers that makes upwards of $200K doing this from home. In fact, she has taught many people how to get to her level.
There are a few great reasons to take this way of making money from home very seriously:
- It can develop into a very big, full time income. Once your skills are really good, you can hire people to write for you. You review/edit their work and then send it to the client.
- You don’t have to quit your current job to get started. Only write when you have time.
- You have almost everything you need to get started today.
What’s Needed
I promise you that anything you may not know about the article subject you want to write about, is literally at your fingertips. When you do research and compile great information, you save people a ton of time. There’s a huge value in saving people time!
Holly has the How To part of this for you. Like I said, she’s an amazing instructor that has helped many people reach full time income working from there home with NO BOSS! Check out her Earn More Writing course and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.
Having the freedom to write when you want, yet know there can be very big paychecks in the back end, is a great feeling. Holly will tell you, that as you write a few articles that are then published by your clients, you continue to get better and better opportunity offers. There are actually several sites that have writing jobs waiting for you at all times. You can work as much or as little as you wish.
#2 Freelance Proofreading
This one is a natural transition from the 1st option for making money from home. While this one may not have the potential of the the 1st, you can still make significant money from home by doing some freelance proofreading.
It sounds simple, and kinda is, but there are some things you need to know. The one thing is, that you need to work on this in an environment of no distractions. You need to be focused and accurate. There are certain things that you need to be taught in order to create a good income.
With some education on freelance proofreading, Melinda makes over $2,000.00 a month. Yet according to, a proofreader makes on average $50,730.00 per year!
So How’s It Done?
There’s a course on this that I recommend called Proofread Anywhere and it’s a course that a guy named Darcy took. Darcy is only proofreading part time, yet he’s earning over $5,000.00 per month with his eight clients. Of course results aren’t typical, as it depends on your clients and your commitment. But, this is an example of what’s possible by learning from this course.
There are many different clients you can proofread for like, Blogs, websites, Court records, Attorneys, advertisers, magazines, and many more. As you complete jobs, you create a portfolio of past work and reviews from past clients.
You can make some legit money from home doing this, so definitely check into Proofread Anywhere because they have a couple videos to explain better than I can, and it’s free.
#3 Network Marketing / Direct Sales
I have personally been involved in 2 different network marketing companies. I’m not affiliated with any at this time. From an entrepreneurial standpoint, it’s a fantastic business model. However, popular opinion is the opposite. Why is that you ask? Because people are not generally entrepreneurial, nor do they understand sales.
People who first join network marketing, generally run out trying to sell, when they don’t really understand sales yet. These people give Direct sales a poor image, because they’re only worried about making money, rather than helping people. My son talks more about the ways that this conception is wrong, and how we all sell in some way or another.
The proper sales and ethics training is available to them, but their excitement leads them to do the wrong thing. They come across to be desperate for a sale. there is a proper mental attitude and skills to offer products and services to the people who want and need them.
People Will See Your Motive
In my 2nd company, I reached a bonus level of earning a free BMW 650i convertible. The company later made some poor decisions and I couldn’t promote them with a clear conscious anymore.
It was a health and nutrition company and my focus was to help as many people lose weight and get their nutritional intake correct, as possible. I focused on what was best for my clients and the promoters within my team. With this mindset, people can see your heart and trust your primary motives.
I never advanced into super high earnings, but we traveled many times a year for it, and I never had to pull money out of my pocket to do it. Same goes for events I put on. My commissions paid for everything and then some.
Great Companies
There are thousands of direct sales companies out there. Some great, some horrible. Good companies stick around, but some of the new ones are good also.
- Amway = 60 years old and 8.6 Billion dollars in sales in 2017!
- Herbalife = 39 years old
- USANA = 27 years old
These companies are successful for many reasons, but one of them is that they have great sales training. This way their promoters don’t go out and tarnish the company name by making wild claims or misleading people. Oh, and the training is FREE!
It costs you usually $500 or $1,000 to enroll with a company, but you’re getting your starting products and information for that also. The products are generally at a significant discount, so it’s like joining for free. By the way, these companies have great products! They have to work or nobody would buy them, and certainly not month after month.
If you get into this, you’ll meet a lot of great people and build strong friendships. If you primarily have other’s interest in mind, you’ll do well. The income can be significant, but this one may take a bit longer to gain traction than some of the other options in this article.
#4 Selling Your Crap Online, lol
I know, you may be thinking “well DUH!”, but are you listing the stuff everywhere possible? Are you using the correct words to describe your items?
Craigslist is huge and an obvious choice for selling all the unused items from around the house. Most of the time you’re selling locally, so you meet the buyer at a public location or sometimes allow them to come right to you.
Craigslist allows people to remain anonymous, so there are an ever growing number of scammers posting on there. But with a little experience, you can spot them just by reading their ads. To read more about how to navigate and use Craigslist, click here.
Ebay takes a little more work and has fees that can total to be over 10% of your sale. This considers that the payment is accepted via PayPal (which most buyers and sellers use on Ebay). The other issue with Ebay, is that you’ll have to pack and ship the item to the buyer, and the growing trend is that shipping needs to be offered for free.
Not So Well Known
Cell phones are beginning to dominate how people use the web. With that comes many apps that are available for making most tasks, easier. I use a Craigslist app and it’s surprisingly easy to use. I can do everything from buying, searching, and selling (posting items for sale), right from the app.
A couple other apps you should put on your phone is Letgo and Offerup. They both have grown to be a couple major players for classified selling. There are a ton of others also, so search for the ones you like.
The buyers and sellers are also anonymous on many of them, but at least there is a rating system in place on some of them. However you’ll still find scammers working these apps. It doesn’t mean that someone without rating is a scammer either, but you just need to be more aware when dealing with those accounts.
Don’t forget about Facebook Marketplace. I’ve sold things from here but in my opinion, 2 minutes after you post, nobody sees your item unless they do a very specific search. There’s just way to much stuff being posted at any given time. Also, Facebook’s algorithm only shows your ad to certain people (they want you to pay for more views). Still, many people swear by it.
#5 Fix Your Expenses
I’m not getting off topic here. This can be a quick way of making money from home. The money you stop from going out in expenses, is “Money Earned”! As the saying goes, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
You most likely have several ongoing expenses, so let’s review some of the possible ways of reducing the amount of money going out of your budget. Oooo! I just used that word. Yup, BUDGET. If you’re reading this article on quick ways of making money, than you should be using a budget for your finances.
At this point, you should write down your recurring expenses. These could be:
- car insurance
- gas bill
- electric bill
- rent or mortgage payment
- fuel for your car
- groceries
- eating out
- etc.
Most people have these and more, so you need to know what they are, and divide up your monthly income so you know how much to set aside for each. Many people use the envelope system. Each recurring bill has it’s own envelope.
Each pay day, the envelopes get funded their portions, so by the time the bill is due, there’s enough money to pay it. (Never borrow from one envelope to pay another. It defeats the purpose).
Do you have anything left at the end of the month? Probably not, but don’t sweat it. Learning from this practice will allow you to make better choices in the future.
The Fix
So given that you have these expenses, you need to optimize them. Go over the individual bills, and the ones that you can get quotes from competing companies, do that. Way too many of us forget about doing this on a regular basis. It’s either that, or it’s plain laziness.
You get punished with higher rates for sticking with a service provider too long. Most of them bank on the “set it, and forget it” mentality. They’re not going to give you a lower rate if you keep paying the higher rate without complaint.
I mentioned above that your cell phone provider needs to be put in check. Compare yours to Mint Mobile. I bet there’s no comparison. Mint Mobile will blow them away, so you need to check them out.
Now believe it or not, many of your utility bills have competing companies. Depending on your location there’ll be different options. Just Google for some competing companies in your area for gas and electric service providers.
Seriously. If you’ve been faithfully paying your rent for a year or more and have been a trouble free tenant, then do this. Call up your landlord, and politely ask them for a lower rate. It may not happen, but you know for sure it won’t happen if you don’t ask.
As a landlord myself, I never raise rent on existing tenants (I’m a nice guy). But I also never lower it unless a great tenant considers leaving. So if a good tenant suggested that they may be considering moving to a place with lower rental rates, I am going to do what I can to keep that tenant!!!
Good tenants are very hard to come by, so if I already have one, I want to keep them. I am telling you, you need to ask. You have nothing to lose.
You can save thousands per year by switching insurance companies for your home, auto, renters, health, etc. Yes it’s a pain in the A$z, but think of the money you can make/save in a matter of minutes! You already know how to do this, so take a half hour and get some quotes.
I like companies such as eHealthInsurance for those of us who need great rates on health insurance. They get quotes for you from several different top providers, which saves you a lot of time. I also like Progressive Insurance, who insures almost anything, but I especially like them for my toys, such as Motorcycles, ATVs, Boats, Snowmobiles, etc.
So you should also be on the watch for better deals on gas for your car, groceries, eating out, and such, because every dollar you save off the money already being spent, is money earned back into your budget. (Just don’t waste the savings. Invest it)
#6 Do You Walk Your Dog?
You may or may not have a dog, but there’s quick money to be made from walking other people’s dogs. Remember, we’re looking for quick ways to make money from home.
Let’s say you need to make $500.00 quickly. What would you have to do with this option to make that happen, and how long will it take? The name of this awesome company is Rover and people can make some really quick money through them!
You can check the website or app for your area, but let’s assume you get $20 per walk. So if you are contracted to walk the dog once a day, during the weekdays, it will take you five weeks to reach your goal.
Think Bigger!
Well, who says you’re only walking for one client? You may have five clients and walk each of them once a day. Now it only takes you one week to reach your goal, not including the weekend! ($20 per walk * 5 clients * 5 days).
But wait! Why not walk all the dogs at one time? Dogs like playing with other dogs, so it’s quite possible that this would work out if you live in a densely populated area. In this case, it would take less than an hour a day for five days to reach your goal!
This is just a simple example of how easily you can make quick money from home. The reality is you could walk several groups of dogs each day and make far more using Rover!
#7 Another Great App For A Tasker
Task Rabbit is an app that allows you to get odd jobs at the rate you choose. Acquired by IKEA in 2017, TaskRabbit is a convenient and fast way to get someone to help you with your home projects. Get connected to over 60,000 trusted and skilled Taskers across cities in the US, UK and Canada.
Easily access TaskRabbit on iOS, Android, and web. With tasks ranging from furniture assembly and tv mounting to moving help and yard work, you can find a Tasker to help get what you need done at an affordable price.
Task Rabbit connects you with people in your area who need a set of hands to help them out. Just browse through the tasks in your area, send in your offer, and wait to see if you’re chosen. There are a variety of different tasks that people need help with, like:
- Handyman work
- Helping people move
- Interior painting
- Hauling (use your trailer or truck)
- Cleaning
- Yard work
- Grocery shopping
There are many more, but these are a few of the most popular. Since you’re actually doing the work in person, tips are likely to happen from generous clients!
Check the tasks in your area, but I can’t imagine that people would expect you to drive over and do a task for less than $50. The great thing is, that you choose what you need to be paid. It won’t take long to make a few hundred or more.
#8 Deliver Stuff Using Postmates
Postmates slogan is “Anything, anytime, anywhere. We get it.”
Similar to Uber Eats, but there’s no limit to what you can deliver with Postmates. It could be anything, but you choose what you will deliver. For one thing, you might only have a bicycle! So you are limited on what you can carry.
The one thing that’s similar to Uber, is that you choose when you want to work. When you’re ready, just go choose a job.
What About The Dollars?
Some jobs pay more than others, so you can be selective. Especially if you life in a densely populated area with many delivery opportunities.
For general deliveries, you can be making around $25 per hour (give or take of course). But you could make quick money from home base with this one, to get you through the tough times.
You can see the breakdown of all your earnings within your account. And if you’re a polite person, you just might make some great tips!
How Do You Get Started Making Money?
- Create Your Account – Pretty simple. They just need the basics, like who you are, and proof who you are. Oh, and a photo of who you are 🙂
- Receive your welcome kit – After Postmates verifies “who you are”, they will send you a delivery bag and prepaid card in the mail that you’ll use for your deliveries.
- Go online / get the app – Link your prepaid card to the Fleet app, then go online or your app, and start accepting delivery offers and get paid!
Not huge money, but better than a “kick in the teeth” lol, and you are acting as a business owner!
#9 Drive With Lyft
Here’s the deal. If you sign up and drive with Lyft, they’ll guarantee that you earn at least $1,000.00 in your first 30 days if you give at least 125 rides!
Why do I like this one so much? Because this is awesome for networking. Meeting lots of interesting people who have knowledge and connections that you may not already have.
- “You are as valuable as you network”.
- “Your network is your net worth”.
- “Show me your network, and I’ll tell you your potential in life”.
These are all sayings for a reason.
Here Is A Tip For You
While you get to build your network, those very relationships create MUCH bigger tips from your passengers! It’s easy for them because tipping can be done right inside the Lyft app. As a Lyft driver, you also get cool perks. You can save on fuel, maintenance, and more with “Accelerate”, their driver rewards program.
Mark yourself as active when you want to work (network), and inactive when you don’t. Simple, with complete time freedom. Why wouldn’t you do this?! Seriously, sign up for Lyft right now.
#10 Make Money Selling Domain Names
Rob Barbour started with domain names in the late 90’s when there was almost no information out there. He had to figure everything out on his own. He struggled for quite a few years, lost a LOT of money, and almost called it quits.
He took a break and when he restarted again, he did things very differently. He began tracking what worked and didn’t work, and that turned into his methods to profit with domains.
What happened? He was able to make over $1,000,000 selling domains that he owned personally. The domain names didn’t even have a website built on them. He just parked and sold them.
Some domains, he actually keeps and has money making sites built on them for FREE.
A Course, Right?
Of course it’s a course! Nobody is going to put in thousands of hours through trial and error, to find a successful format, and then tell the world for free. I’d rather pay someone to save me years of frustration or failure.
This is a mindset hurdle that new entrepreneurs need to get over. If you had developed a reliable system for making money, would you run out a just tell everyone? No, of course not.
The internet can make people think that all the secrets can be had for free, when in reality, you almost always have to pay something to get the truth on what’s working today.
It almost doesn’t matter the price of a course, because if you put the material into action, it’s going to make you FAR more money than it cost. But, you could just spend 10,000 thousand hours figuring it out yourself….
The rule of thumb is:
“It takes 10,000 hours of work to make you an expert on a given subject”
There’s not one successful entrepreneur that will tell you to “not invest in yourself”. That’s the very best place to put your money!
My lessons have cost me well into the 6 figures. I’ve made many, many times that!
Because It’s The Best Thing For You
I’m not trying to jump off of Rob’s information, but you have to know that I am driving this point hard, because it is the best thing for YOU. You can take my suggestions, or someone else’s, but the end result will be the same.
You can either spend a TON of time figuring it out, or a little bit of time and a little bit of money. It’s your choice. Since time is your most precious commodity, you might want to consider paying for some shortcuts. Ok, let’s get back at it ?
Things You Need To Know
- Secret Criteria To Use When Buying Or Selling Domains
- Where To Find Domain Name Bargains
- What Domain Names To Avoid
- How To Sell Cheap Domain Names For Thousands – Without A Site
- How To Price Domain Names For Maximum Profit
- Secret List Of Keywords That Increase Domain Value
- Strategies For Profiting From Domain Names
- Profit From Sites That Are Built For You – For FREE
- How To Sell Your Domain Names Safely
- Actual Emails To Use When Buying Domains
- …And Far More!
Take a few minutes and review Rob’s information. He’s got a great video explaining everything.
So while this fell in the #10 spot, it’s by no means last on the list! You need to give this way of making money from home, a shot (it has a 60 day guarantee, anyway). Invest in yourself now.
So We Hit The End Of Our 10 Quick Ways To Make Money From Home List
It’s up to you to take action. The worst thing you can do to yourself, is get stuck in “terminal investigation”.
“Taking ACTION is the ONLY thing that will make YOU money.”
Addressing The Root Problem
Misuse Of Money
Many people beat themselves up for not seeing how bad their financial situation is, until it’s REALLY bad. By then their stress level is so high, it becomes unhealthy.
The first thing you have to do at this stage is to stop racking up bad debt (period!). It’s really hard to get out of a hole that’s being dug deeper while you are still in it!
You will need to cut the unnecessary expenses. I’m not going to list all the obvious over-spending you may be doing (because I already did some of that 🙂 ). You know what they are, like eating out, movies, etc. But along with those cutbacks, you need to get a better rate on cable/satellite, ISP (Internet Service Provider), cell phone, etc.
For Example
These days, a cell phone is pretty much a necessity, so you need to make it as cost efficient as possible. There’s a great cellular provider called Mint Mobile that gives you fantastic rate plans. They’re growing to be a major competitor with the big boys. My son has been using Mint for years and it has been fantastic for him. Plus you can use the phone you already have in most cases!
The rate plans are awesome and start at $15 per month for 3GB of 4G LTE!
So this is one of the immediate changes you must make to stop digging the hole. This is probably the very best you can do for your cell phone, but don’t stop there. You have other monthly bills, so dig in and find the best rate. If you’re struggling, just remember:
“NOTHING Will Change, Unless YOU Change”
When you’re an employee, it’s natural to become complacent with what life is giving you. But for those of us that feel there’s more to life (like freedom), we want to go after that better life. That requires “change”.
The Way You Think Limits Your Earning Potential
So the focus of this article is to create some entrepreneurial cash A.S.A.P. I just want you to know, that your mindset must change in order for you to change. So open yourself up to these opportunities. This just may be the beginning of seeing a whole new world that leads you to freedom.
There are many, many ways to make short term, quick money. However, I just wanted to provide 10 options, so you don’t get stuck terminally investigating. I want you to have just a few good choices and get moving on one or two of them. So seriously, don’t go searching out more options, just click to look into each of these and pick one or two.
You probably only need a few hundred dollars extra each month, and these opportunities will more than do enough to change the financial stress level in your life.
Only $700 Per Month Needed
I’m going to give you one sobering statistic. In the housing crash of 2008, on average it only would have required approximately $700 per month to save everyone from losing their homes! THAT’S IT! A measly 700 bucks!
If people could have accepted their mistakes and did exactly what you’re doing now, they could’ve saved themselves. Instead, they froze and did nothing.
My suggestion to you, is to not discount any of these 10 quick ways to make money from home. Don’t assume it’s not for you until you look into the information. One of the reasons people stay stuck, is because we have been conditioned to make quick judgments and move on.
Our attention is being marketed to from so many different angles. It’s the shiny object syndrome. Stay focused and fight the urge to make a quick judgment and move on to the next shiny object. This will be great training for creating a successful brain function.