Making a profit with Kindle Publishing may not make you rich, but with the flexibility of writing on your own schedule, the profits can be fantastic.
Kindle Publishing is a great way for you to begin as an entrepreneur, while still slaving as an employee. You don’t need to be an expert in any subject or know how to author a book. Learning how to quickly do research is the key to creating fantastic books.
So, here’s the thing. I run into people all the time that make assumptions about one thing or the other, and then don’t take a step toward making their life any better. You can’t assume your way to success.
Time Consumption
Believe it or not, the aspect of Kindle Publishing that takes up the most time, is keyword research. The more popular the subject, the more difficult it is to find a keyword with small competition. So in the beginning, you should think of the subjects that interest you personally.
Maybe you like to read books on tree frogs of Cambodia. Well, that just may be a good keyword phrase. It likely has low competition. So as long as it has some demand, and I’m sure it does, you could have a winner. Just don’t expect it to be quite that easy.
It will take some time to get your keyword right. Then gather all the best information you can on the subject. Don’t get too uptight about the time you’re spending on this process.
Just think how much time is spent at your job, and what you earn from it. At your job, you have to keep doing the work to get paid. With Kindle Publishing, you do the work once and get paid over, and over.
For the amount of time you spend to publish one book, you may make a couple thousand bucks at your job. However, your book sales could go on for a very long time, without any more effort from you. The total earnings from the hours spent writing that book, could be many, many, many times more than those same hours spent at your job.
I’m Gonna Be Rich!
So, are you likely to profit with Kindle Publishing to the point of true wealth? I don’t really think so, in the terms you may be thinking. But I can tell you that true wealth is being FREE. Your first big goal should be to get free from your employer.
While you’re still there, you’re limited to the amount they’ll pay you. The hours that you sold to your employer are gone. Imagine having the use of ALL those hours back under your control. That’s a lot of time you can use to build your wealth. Focus on getting free, first.
Step one is picking a Kindle Publishing course and just getting started. Where people seem to fail, is right after they do this step 🙁 . If you really want to become independent and free of a boss, then you need a little staying power.
You need to have discipline and be a great boss to yourself. Take this very serious. This isn’t hard work, and it’s an extremely low startup cost. The fact is though, you can get free with just this one stream of new income. Set financial goals in steps.
- $100 per month
- $500 per month
- $1000 per month
- $5000 per month
- $10,000 per month
Even if it takes you a year or more to reach 6 figures, it’s worth the effort to get free, and be your own boss forever? Kindle Publishing is the perfect stepping stone to make this happen. You’ll find that you learn so many skills that will carry over into your next entrepreneurial endeavors. This really is a world of no limits, once you are free from employment.
The fact is, that Kindle publishing is mostly about learning how to find subjects/keywords that people are searching for. In other words, what are people wanting to learn about. There’s a process to go through to find this out and it’s easy to learn using the tools provided within your Kindle Publishing course.
Once you know what subject people are looking for, then you research to learn and compile the information needed to fully satisfy your target audience. You’ll then put it in an order that makes sense and easy to read for your readers.
You can outsource this research and/or writing portion to someone who does this as a profession. There are professionals that can do this work faster and better than you can, and they work VERY CHEAP.
Another benefit of spending a couple bucks on a great course, is that they provide all the resources for getting things done. There are many ways to outsource the work for Kindle publishing. While this can make things quite easy, you should only do this after you know how to do the work yourself.
I’ve been an entrepreneur in many different fields. Some of the opportunities I went after was primarily for a learning experience for me, and others to grow a business. I need to fully understand every aspect of the business process, no matter what I get involved in. How could I otherwise know I’m hiring the right person to do a particular task?
I found Stefan to be very competent, when I was searching for the best teacher to learn from about publishing with Kindle. I was even more confident that I made a great choice, after I purchased his course. This is a very in-depth course that teaches via video. In fact there are multiple videos in each lesson along with work sheets. There are many tools that will make you a publishing machine.
Why Am I Promoting A Kindle Course?
It’s very simple. I don’t know about you, but my time is worth something (actually, A LOT!). There’s absolutely No Way I could learn the information and strategies in this course nearly as fast or efficient on my own. It’s a WAY better use of my time to get it from someone who has generated millions and millions worth of success. Not sure about you, but I know how fast I can drop a hundred bucks (that doesn’t even make me money) but this course does and it’s less than that.
I will say though, I have a problem with it costing so little. When I mentioned above that many people buy a course and then quit before they start, well the low price-point makes it easy to quit on yourself. I’ve mentioned this to Stefan, but he feels that more people are able to have access to his course this way. Since he is worth 10’s of millions, I gotta believe him.
I still feel there are too many outs that make it simple to quit. He has a 30 day money back guarantee also. If I can suggest one thing right now, it would be to never quit. Don’t freakin return it!
I also don’t want you to give yourself any excuses to do nothing with it. If something terrible happens and you have to let it sit for a bit, at least you were smart enough to keep it so you can get back at it. Your future self is counting on you to Be Your Own Boss.
Quality Content Required
In the early days of Kindle Publishing, it was super easy to make a profit, and lots of it. I’m not saying it’s super hard to profit today. What I do want to say is that now, quality content is the name of the game. All those early publishers that created short, low quality books, are no longer getting revenue from them. The lazy people looking for a quick buck are phasing out.
There are some really great books published on Kindle today. That doesn’t make it more difficult to create a quality book. There’s increasingly more and more great information available to compile and learn from every day.
The crappy little 2000 or 3000 word books are all being taken down. This is because there are better options. Just make a real meaty book with great information. The information is right in front of you. All you have to do is organize it, and write it in your own “voice”.
Like I said, you should really do your first book yourself, before considering having it done for you. You can definitely get the work done cheap, but resist that for now. The one thing you should hire out is the cover.
You can use Upwork or Fivver to get a very professional color cover done for $25. That’s money well spent. I can’t even open photoshop for that, lol. You can get one for $5, but don’t do that. The look of this cover is THE reason someone will, or won’t consider buying your book. It’s gotta be right.
Eggs In A Basket
Once you already did all the work creating a book, don’t just sell it on Amazon. There are 3 main platforms that you want to publish your book on. They’re all owned by Amazon and are Kindle (ebooks), Createspace (physical Paperbacks), and ACX (audiobooks). By Publishing your books on all platforms you increase your income. You’re giving your readers more choices and opportunities to purchase your books. There’s also many other places to publish online. Google them and let the world know you can assemble great books.
Your not the boss of me!
As far as writing the information you learned and compiling it into a successful book, give yourself a deadline. A boss or a publisher would be expecting you to make your deadlines. Be reasonable, but be your own boss.
Don’t cut yourself short, but don’t allow too much time. Getting free from your boss is a BIG DEAL, so be willing to put some time in to produce a great book. (Getting scared? lol. It’s easier when someone shows you where to get started with entrepreneurship).
After you get home from work, boss yourself into 2 or 3 hours of work “for yourself”. Do 5 hours on weekends. Now stop whining, because you should be happy doing the work for yourself. You should dislike the time you work for your boss. After all, who’s dream do you want to work toward? Your’s, or your boss’s?
You figure out what works for you and the deadline you set, but make it a deadline IN WRITING (in ink, no erasing). I just want you to hold yourself accountable through this first book, because it will become natural on subsequent books with success. No matter what business you start, it will require your great efforts in the beginning to launch it right.
Compare it to flying a plane. You have to give it full throttle to get it off the ground and up to cruising altitude. Once you hit cruising altitude, you back off the throttle to half. Now you’re flying!
Step By Step
- Lesson 1: Finding A Profitable Niche
- 2: Keyword Research
- 3: Creating A Title That Sells
- 4: Design A Cover That Sells
- 5: Kindle Book Creation
- 6: Preparing Your Book For Publishing
- 7: Creating A KDP Account
- 8: Publishing Your Book On Kindle
- 9: Viewing Your Kindle Book
- 10: Getting Amazon Reviews
- 11: Marketing Your Book On KDP Select
- 12: Using Twitter & Facebook To Promote Your Book
- 13: Additional Book Promotion Strategies
- 14: Boosting Your Amazon Keyword Rankings
- 15: Setting Up Your Amazon Author Central Account
- 16: Monetizing Your Kindle Book
- 17: Creating A Series Of Books & Monetizing The Back-End
- 18: Dealing With Negative Reviews
- 19: Scaling Up Your Kindle Books And Making More Money
- 20: How To Make Your Books Profitable Long-Term
- 21: How To Track, Manage & Optimize Your Kindle Books
Congratulations! What’s Next?
Behind every successful business is a great system. That’s exactly what this course provides. For less than a hundred bucks, you have the tools and system that will help you profit with kindle publishing. Not only that, but your profit with kindle publishing has the potential to be incredible! It seems hard to believe that the potential is so great, when your cost of entry is so low. That’s one of the amazing things with having an online business.
So here’s the deal. Once you own this course, you own it forever and it gets updated and new content added regularly. However, it only makes you money if you take action on it. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. The course is so under-priced/inexpensive, it’s easy to just let it sit with the intention of getting at it later. Seriously, remember why you are buying this.
If you do nothing else, other than look, at least go look it over for free.